Sundays in the House

Sundays in the House looks like this. But what does the rest of the week look like?

Its easy to be a Sunday christian. We are in a place where we are the majority - believers. For 2 hours on a Sunday, it is easier to be Christlike.

But what about the rest of week?
When we often find ourselves as the minority, in environments and situations where we can easily be tempted into doing/saying things that are not Christlike.

As Christians we understand that our faith is truly tested, outside the walls of our church; beyond Sunday.

So how do we respond? Cope? Live?

By preparing a room for Jesus in our lives and preparing a "daily meal" that honours and glorifies Him as the disciples show us in Matthew 26.

Preparing a room for Jesus priorities Him and places importance on His presence in our lives.

Preparing a daily meal requires obedience and sacrifice as we honour who He is and what He has done for us.

So as we heard in yesterdays message, we are encouraged to look within ourselves and ask how are we making preparations for Jesus?

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